February 07, 2005

The dynamics of seats and man in motion

What attraction lies within an empty hard-shell, less than ergonomically formed excuse of a seat for a homo-sapien on his way to bring home the bacon? What makes an auntie adopt tunnel vision and lock her target towards one? Can one suffer to stand for a mere 30 minutes? Cooks stand all day at work, add OT, plus the heavy lifting and walking, what is 30 lousy minutes of standing in an air-tuned man-moving tin can?! Thank you very much.

February 03, 2005

Where Rei busts out her Art Direction unskills. But then, it's intentional; right Rei? Rei! Come back!
Posted by Hello

February 02, 2005

Life as Whiffleball

Welcome. I am your guide, JETSTAR7. This is Planet Whiffleball. Where thingamajigs are talked about. Studied. Examined. Ranted. Showed. May not be about me. But it's me writing about what things around me might be. Where life is a whiffleball. Like mine. This is Planet Whiffleball. And I am your guide. This is JETSTAR7. Welcome.